On June 12th, GIFA2023 Casting Exhibition in Dusseldorf, Germany officially opened.
At booth 11F56, the integrated die-casting solution for large structural components of LK Automobile and the intelligent manufacturing solution for large structural components of 5G communication base stations were officially unveiled. The large-scale integrated structural components of EV produced using LK 12000T intelligent die-casting units were also exhibited at the same time.
As a casting event that brings together many internationally renowned brand enterprises, visitors from Europe, North America, Asia and other countries and regions visited the LK exhibition booth for visits and exchanges, to understand the industrial innovation and integrated solutions of LK Group covering fields such as automobiles, 5G communication, and home appliances in the era of large die-casting.
Integrated die-casting has brought leading advantages in automotive manufacturing scale and technology, promoting lightweight manufacturing and cost reduction, and increasing range. An industrial revolution in the automotive manufacturing industry has begun.
LK Group has started early and developed rapidly in the field of integrated die-casting technology for automobiles. It has rich experience in mass production of products and reserves of production capacity resources. It has cooperated with well-known EV manufacturers and die-casting OEMs in multiple countries and regions around the world, including China, and has achieved mass production of large integrated structural components such as front cabins, rear floors, battery trays, and is moving towards broader fields.
GIFA2023 will continue until June 16th, please continue to follow our report.
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