[2023] - A privately owned business, ANCA is proud of its reputation for being first to market with technology that has proven time and again to revolutionise the cutting tool industry. Celebrating its 50th anniversary next year, Pat McCluskey, ANCA Co-founder comments that “being privately owned brings great benefits as it means that we can focus on investing and developing new innovations while maintaining our long-term view of the market to design products with longevity and customer focus.”
[2023]作为一家私营企业,ANCA为其技术开发能力而自豪,这些技术一次又一次地被证明可以彻底改变刀具行业。明年ANCA将庆祝成立50周年,ANCA联合创始人帕特·麦克劳斯基(Pat McCluskey)评论道:“私有化让ANCA可以更加专注于投资和开发新的创新,保持自己对市场的看法,设计出寿命长、以客户为中心的产品。”
Edmund is the son of ANCA co-founder Pat Boland and brings an impressive 15-year tenure at ANCA. Pat Boland, ANCA co-founder said, “When Pat McCluskey and I founded ANCA our primary goal was to design the best technology that solves real customer problems. I am proud that my son has joined this mission and has accepted this important leadership role in the business to continue fostering a culture of innovation.”
埃德蒙是ANCA联合创始人帕特·博兰德(Pat Boland)的儿子,已在ANCA工作15年了。帕特·博兰德表示:“当帕特·麦克劳斯基和我创立ANCA时,我们的主要目标是设计解决真正客户问题的最佳技术。我很自豪我的儿子加入了这一使命,并接受了这一重要的领导角色,继续培养创新文化。”
ANCA 新任总经理Edmund Boland
Edmund Boland said: "I am honoured and thrilled to be a part of ANCA CNC Machines, such an exciting company in the cutting tool industry. Every day, I am amazed by the skill and prowess of our customers, who continue to push the entire industry forward. ANCA is in my blood, and our commitment to innovation is unparalleled. Throughout our extensive history, we have consistently been the first to market with new technology, investing over 15% of our revenue every year into research and development.
“我很荣幸能成为ANCA的一员,我们是刀具行业的佼佼者。” 博兰德评论道。“每天,我都为客户的技术和能力感到惊讶,他们持续推动着整个行业向前发展。ANCA早已融入我的血液,我们对创新的承诺是无与伦比的。在悠久的历史中,ANCA一直是第一个推出新技术的公司,我们每年将超过15%的收入投资于研发。
“Technology is truly in our DNA, for example, ANCA’s Integrated Manufacturing System (AIMS) which is one of our latest products could be considered akin to the impact of a printing press and is set to revolutionise the cutting tool industry. I am excited to lead ANCA into a future of continued innovation, growth, and success, while educating the market about the transformative power of our new nanometer control system and ensuring the success of our internal investments such as in our machine shop or our sub-micron metrology equipment.
“We take pride in hosting the only customer competition in our field, the ANCA Tool of the Year, and I am particularly excited that this year we will have a new category of Female Machinist of the Year. Together, these, and many other initiatives will contribute to the continuous growth and prosperity of our esteemed company."
Edmund's journey at ANCA began in February 2008, and throughout his career with the company, he has held key positions in the finance, operations, strategy, regional management and applications teams. This diverse experience has afforded him a deep understanding of ANCA's operations and a comprehensive perspective on the company's strategic goals.
Prior to assuming his new role as General Manager, Boland led ANCA's European Branch with remarkable success during the unparalleled challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. His exceptional leadership and strategic vision enabled ANCA to navigate through this disruptive period while ensuring uninterrupted supply of high-quality CNC machines to customers worldwide.
As General Manager, Boland eagerly looks forward to collaborating with the talented team at ANCA to address the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by the current global environment.
Boland's expertise and leadership make ANCA CNC Machines well-positioned to further solidify its position as a global leader in CNC machines. His strategic direction and unwavering commitment to excellence will drive innovation, enhance customer satisfaction, and foster overall company growth.
ANCA CNC Machines extends its warmest congratulations to Edmund Boland on his new role as General Manager, marking 15 years of dedicated service and expertise. The company looks forward to a bright future under his guidance and leadership.
About ANCA CNC Machines
ANCA CNC Machines is a global leader in the design, manufacture, and service of advanced CNC grinding machines. With an illustrious history spanning over 50 years, ANCA is renowned for its cutting-edge technology, innovative solutions, and exceptional customer support. ANCA's comprehensive range of products includes tool grinders, CNC grinding machines, software, and automation solutions, catering to diverse industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical, and general manufacturing.
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