Interview with Mr. Xiaogang Song, Executive Chairman and Secretary General of China Robot Industry Alliance
【英】Could you shortly introduce China Robot Industry Alliance (CRIA)?
【英】The China Robotics Industry Alliance(CRIA) was established in April 2013 in Beijing, under the leadership of the China Machinery Industry Federation (CMIF). In order to better rely on the mature industry work system of the China Machinery Industry Federation, the Robotics Branch of CMIF was established in June 2021, and the Branch is co-located with the CRIA. CRIA is a national platform for production, education, researching and application for the collaboration of China's robotics industry, and currently has more than 490 members, including regional robot associations, robot manufacturers, component manufacturers, integrated application enterprises, relevant research institutes and universities, etc.
【英】Guided by national industrial policies, CRIA is market-oriented and enterprise-oriented, building a platform for policies, production, education, researching and application to enhance the level of research and development, manufacturing, integrated application and maintenance services of robot enterprises, to improve the application level of robots in various fields, to upgrade the robot industry chain in China, to promote the healthy and rapid development of the robot industry, to help the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing and service industries, and to develop into the direction of automation, digitalization and intelligence.
【英】Why did CRIA decide to create a Robotics and Automation exhibition and show brand like IRACE in Shenzhen?
【英】Accelerating the intelligent & digital transformation and upgrading of manufacturing and service industries is an important way to achieve high-quality economic development, and robots are the key to it. China has become the world's largest robotics market. The advanced manufacturing industry, represented by industrial robots, is becoming a new driving force for China's economic growth.
【中】粤港澳大湾区,尤其是广东地区制造业规模大,2021年广东规模以上工业营业收入17万亿,名列各省(市)榜首,并且门类广,电子、汽车、新能源汽车、机械、轨道交通、智能家电、轻工纺织等快速发展,对机器人、自动化需求市场潜力大。同时,大湾区机器人与自动化快速发展,已成为机器人自动化产业发展的重点区域。《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》提出:“以机器人及其关键零部件为重点,大力发展智能制造装备和产品”。正是由于大湾区对机器人及自动化需求强劲,同时依托深圳DMP 大湾区工业博览会参展企业多、专业观众多、参展制造业企业范围广的优势, 中国机器人产业联盟于2018创办国际机器人与自动化会议暨展览(IRACE)年,已连续成功举办三届,旨在促进机器人自动化拓展市场,更好地满足大湾区乃至全国制造业各行各业转型升级的需求。2020年DMP制造业参展商近1,500家,专业观众114,697余人,展览面积192,000 m²。
【英】In Greater Bay Area, especially in Guangdong, the scale of manufacturing industry is huge. The gross of all above designated size industrial enterprises of Guangdong reached 17 trillion RMB in 2021, ranking first among all provinces (cities), and has a wide range of categories. With the rapid development of electronics, automobiles, new energy vehicles, machinery, rail transit, intelligent home appliances and light industrial textiles, there is a great market potential for robotics and automation. Meanwhile, the rapid developing of robotics and automation industry of Greater Bay Area makes it as one of the key areas for robotics and automation industry. “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” mentioned: "focus on robotics and its key components, strive to develop intelligent manufacturing equipment and products." Because of the strong demand of robots and automation in the Greater Bay Area, relying on the advantages Shenzhen DMP Expo on its scale, CRIA founded the International Robotics and Automation Conference and Exhibition (IRACE) in 2018, and has successfully held three consecutive editions, aiming at promoting robotics and automation to the market and better meeting the needs of the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industries in the Greater Bay Area, and even the whole country. In 2020 DMP attracted nearly 1,500 exhibitors, more than 114,697 professional visitors and achieved an exhibition area of 192,000 m².
【英】How big is the current market for industrial robotics in China?
【英】China's manufacturing industry market is ranking the first in the world, with sales revenue of nearly 112 trillion RMB in 2021. It has a wide range of categories and a complete industrial chain. With the aged tendency of population and rising labor costs in recent years, as well as the increased awareness of enterprises to improve product quality and production efficiency, the demand of robotics and automation in the manufacturing and service industries are extremely strong. Since 2013, China has become the world's largest industrial robot consumer market for eight consecutive years. In 2020, the consumption was 168,000 units, accounting for nearly 44% of the global market. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in recent years, unmanned or flexible manpower needs has further driven the demand and application of robotics and automation in manufacturing industry in China.
【中】华南地区的工业机器人市场规模如何, 在中国的市场份额占比为多少?
【英】What is the size of the industrial robot market in South China, and what percentage of the Chinese industrial robot market does it account for?
【英】The gross revenue of all above designated size industrial enterprises of Guangdong was 3.97337 trillion RMB, ranking the first in China. Due to the large demand for robots in the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, robot sales in South China account for about 25% of the national market.
【英】What are the main customer industries for industrial robots in South China? Which robot types have a high market share?
【英】South China is 3C, lithium battery, automobile, semiconductor, machinery and equipment, rail transit, household appliances, light industry textiles, ceramic bathroom, furniture, medicine and other industries cluster. Enterprise automation, digitalization, intelligent transformation pace is accelerating, effectively promoting the rapid development of metal processing, welding, handling palletizing, spraying and other robots and automation market.
【英】How many Chinese Robotics and Automation companies have already invested in the Greater Bay Area?
【英】Due to strong market demand, the Greater Bay Area has become a major hub for robotics companies. Only in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, more than 4,000 industrial robotics and components manufacturers and service companies and automation companies are reported.
【英】What kind of strategic significance does the Greater Bay Area have for the robotics + automation industry?
【英】The main significance is that robotics and automation support the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing and service industries in the Great Bay Area, to improve the quality and efficiency of production and services, and reduce the pressure on enterprises to employ labors.
【英】Which technological applications are currently on high demand?
【英】Materials handling and welding are the biggest application areas. The real potential markets are large scale common industrial industries and all kinds of manufacturing industries. Guangdong and Shenzhen are the cluster of manufacturing industry, including electronics, machinery, household appliance, new energy equipment ,etc., and Guangdong is also one of the biggest industrial areas for automobile and components manufacturing.
【中】您认为CRIA的会员单位参与到FuMaTech & IRACE中能有怎样的收获?
【英】What do you think CRIA members can benefit from participating in FuMaTech & IRACE?
【中】借助于FuMaTech & IRACE展会平台,联盟会员单位及其它机器人自动化企业可以宣传、推介其年度新机器人及自动化产品和技术,以及成功应用案例,同时了解到市场需求新趋势,寻找新的市场机遇。
【英】Through the FuMaTech & IRACE, CRIA members and other robotics and automation companies can promote and introduce their latest products and technologies, as well as successful application cases, learning about new trends in market and seeking for new market opportunities.
关于FuMaTech & IRACE
FuMaTech-国际未来制造技术会议及展览 & IRACE-国际机器人及自动化会议及展览由VDMA德国机械设备制造业联合会、VDW德国机床制造商协会、中国机器人产业联盟、德国斯图加特展览和讯通展览共同发起并组织,并将于2022年11月9-12日在深圳首展。
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