Feanor (Estonia) will attend the GIMEE exhibition in Guangzhou (December 4-7) for the first time. Hall B, B-76.
Feanor is a research company, with many years experience in measurement systems, special cutting tools and software for quality control.
Feanor will present a new laser interferometer LP30 for calibration of CMM (three-dimensional measuring machines), software for quality, including software for Statistical Process Control - SPC, Measurement System Analysis and R&R – MSA Gagepack, Design of Experiments – DOE, Six Sigma tools and measurement systems for gears.
Feanor will also present some research projects in new measurement systems, for which is currently looking for partners, both private companies and Universities in China.
Feanor ( 芬诺 – 刀具及测量仪研究发展有限公司, 爱沙尼亚, 意大利,捷克 )将出席第四届中国(广州)国际机械装备制造业博览会 - GIMEE 展览还是第一次 (十二月4-7 号) Hall B, B-76 展位. 。
芬诺将提出一种新的激光干涉仪LP30 标定的三坐标测量机(三维立体测量机- CMM) ,软件的质量,包括软件,为统计过程控制 SPC Statistical process Control,测量系统分析- MSA Measurement System Analysis 和R&R,设计实验 – DOE Design of Experiments,六西格玛和齿轮测量系统。
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