2022 亚洲3D打印、增材制造展览会(TCT亚洲展)延期举办公告
2022 亚洲3D打印、增材制造展览会
Notice of Postponement:
TCT Asia 2022
Dear Exhibitors and Prospective Visitors,
We wish to update you in view of the latest COVID developments and amid the further tightening of the pandemic control measures in Shanghai and other provinces of China. After studying and evaluating the announcements, guidance and news released by relevant departments and in order to protect the health and safety of all show participants as well as to ensure the best participation results for our exhibitors and visitors, we regret to announce that TCT Asia 2022, scheduled to be held May 12-14, will be postponed to a later date. New dates and other details will be announced soon.
Thank you for your support and participation over the past 7 years to help TCT Asia become the leading 3D printing and additive manufacturing event in China. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused due to the show postponement.
Though we are faced with the COVID challenge, we are committed to standing by the industry and providing our best support to you whenever needed. Thank you for your kind understanding. We look forward to seeing all of you very soon at the new dates of TCT Asia 2022.
TCT Asia Team
VNU Rapid News Ltd
March 29th 2022
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