Control China 将在2012年8月15日-17日上海新国际博览中心举办,同时将在2011的11月25日在上海召开推荐会。届时,德国Schall展览集团中国办事处首席代表Hermann Bohle先生将做现场演讲,让您更好的了解Control China展会,展会新亮点以及如何同您一起更好的推广我们的展会和您的公司。
Control China华东区路演日程(本次活动为免费活动)
Distinguished guests:
Control China is going to have a road show in Shanghai on Nov 25. Mr. Hermann Bohle - Chief Rep of P.E.Schall GmbH & KG China Office will have a speech to give you a better understanding of Control China and new activities in the show and a possibility to discuss with you details on how to promote your company and our exhibition together better.
Control China Road Show schedule (This event is for free)
时间:25.11. 2011
地点:上海光大会展中心国际大酒店 光韵8号厅-(上海市漕宝路66号)
Shanghai Road Show:
Date: 25.11.2011
Location:Shanghai Everbright Int’l Hotel- (66 Caobao Road, Shanghai)
13:30 - 14:00 参会人员签到
14:00 - 14:30 德国Schall展览公司简介
Control China 展会介绍
Control China 2011展会回顾
Control China 2012新亮点
14:30 - 15:00 茶歇
15:00 - 16:00 提问互动
13:30 - 14:00 Registration of participants
14:00 - 14:30 Introduction of Schall Messe
Introduction of Control China
Control China 2011
Control China 2012 New Activities
14:30 - 15:00 Coffee & Tea break
15:00 - 16:00 Free Discussion
企业全称Company Name |
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企业地址Address |
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联系人Contact Person |
电话Tel |
传真Fax |
邮编Zip code |
参会代表姓名 Name |
职务 Position |
手机 Cell Phone |
邮箱 Email |
您公司的产品: Your Products: |
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您希望了解到: You Want to Know: |
Note: Please send the application to us before Nov 23. If you have any question please contact us.
徐婷: ting.xu@(暂不可见)
赵迪雯: diwen.zhao@(暂不可见)
电话Tel:008621 - 62533580 | 62530197 | 62539759
传真 Fax: 008621 - 62153669
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