陕西省 咸阳市中国·陕西省·咸阳市
.We finished the second reorganization in 1997
油漆.We finished the second reorganization in 1997
上海 松江区上海市松江区新闵经济区
experience of development and production. Now we... ” and Series over 10 products. We also have advanced
涂料 涂料成品 建筑涂料
涂料experience of development and production. Now we... ” and Series over 10 products. We also have advanced
浙江省 杭州市浙江省杭州市经济技术开发区M18-5-1地块
in Zhejiang. We moved into HEDA in 2000, and built... . Now, we have the production equipment
涂料 涂料原材料 涂料助剂
产品涉及塑料、涂料、纺织、印染、建筑、电子、制革、个人护理、清洗、环保、机械、五金等十多个领域,...in Zhejiang. We moved into HEDA in 2000, and built... . Now, we have the production equipment
广东省 肇庆市广东省高要市南安二期开发区
据客户生产要求设计和安装全自动生产线或简易生产设备。 We started to produce powder... coating on July 16th, 1992. Now we have three
热固性粉末涂料,水性涂料,静电发生器,自动恒温烘炉据客户生产要求设计和安装全自动生产线或简易生产设备。 We started to produce powder... coating on July 16th, 1992. Now we have three
上海 松江区上海市松江区新闵经济区
experience of development and production. Now we... ” and Series over 10 products. We also have advanced
涂装表面处理 涂料
涂料experience of development and production. Now we... ” and Series over 10 products. We also have advanced
浙江省 绍兴市中国·浙江省·绍兴 柯桥 柯西工业区
. Through many years endeavor, we have successfully... customers, we are restructuring the current
涂装表面处理 电镀 电镀设备
印花制版感光胶系列产品,耐蚀胶系列产品 感光剂;圆网闷头胶;台板胶(油性);圆网脱膜液;圆网感.... Through many years endeavor, we have successfully... customers, we are restructuring the current
广东省 中山市广东中山中山市小榄镇绩西庆丰开发区庆丰六路
;、"We True Ok"、"GL"、"欧圣"
灯饰 户内照明
节能灯 灯头 筒灯 电子整流器 卤素灯 白炽灯 荧光灯;、"We True Ok"、"GL"、"欧圣"
Best Industry Co., Ltd
广东省 中山市中国·广东省·中山市
packing stuffs, etc. Meanwhile, we're qualified... , we could assure you most profitable project.
lamps and lighting, fanspacking stuffs, etc. Meanwhile, we're qualified... , we could assure you most profitable project.
上海 黄浦区中国·上海·黄浦区 福州路120号433室
We are Shanghai Ting Liang Trading Co. Ltd... . Now we introduce some new style product specially
灯饰 电光源
灯泡,灯管,灯具,手电筒,照明设备We are Shanghai Ting Liang Trading Co. Ltd... . Now we introduce some new style product specially
北京市朝阳区广渠门外大街8号优士阁B座1703 电话: 010-58612588 传真: 010-58612665
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