新汉电脑股份有限公司(nexcom international co.,ltd.)成立于1992年, 在工业计算机领域,至今已拥有领导产业的三大产品线:嵌入式工业计算机,网络安全以及刀片服务器。籍由顶尖技术的专业it团队,高品质的设计和制造能力,多运算平台构架,人机界面工作站的发展和可靠的工程合作,nexcom迅速成长为以专精闻名业界的国际型工业计算机公司。
nexcom通过提供出色的完整解决方案,满足日益渐增的需求:it基础架构的灵活运算处理,网络需求,存储和计算机硬件等,实现构建数字平台应用的工业领域领导厂商之愿景。nexcom不仅聚焦自有品牌的新产品创新和技术研发,在提升服务品质和层次上亦不遗余力,如odm/oem商业模式操作,bto/cto/dto(tailor-made design or customization特制的或定制的),全球服务,实时技术支持和售后服务。
founded in november 1992, nexcom international co ltd. has maintained its position as a market leader in the fields of industrial and embedded computing, network security appliances and blade servers. with the employment of it professionals specializing in the areas of asic design, multi-processor architecture, graphic workstation development and reliability engineering, nexcom has rapidly grown from its small beginning into a highly reputable company.
nexcom's vision is to become the industry leader in the digital infrastructure field by providing superior total solutions to meet the increasing demands of agile computing, networking, storage and computer hardware for building an it infrastructure. nexcom not only focuses on new product creation and technology innovation with the brand, but also concentrate on service upgrade, such as odm/oem business development, bto/cto/dto (tailor-made design or customization), global logistics, real-time technical support and after-sales services.
nexcom通过提供出色的完整解决方案,满足日益渐增的需求:it基础架构的灵活运算处理,网络需求,存储和计算机硬件等,实现构建数字平台应用的工业领域领导厂商之愿景。nexcom不仅聚焦自有品牌的新产品创新和技术研发,在提升服务品质和层次上亦不遗余力,如odm/oem商业模式操作,bto/cto/dto(tailor-made design or customization特制的或定制的),全球服务,实时技术支持和售后服务。
founded in november 1992, nexcom international co ltd. has maintained its position as a market leader in the fields of industrial and embedded computing, network security appliances and blade servers. with the employment of it professionals specializing in the areas of asic design, multi-processor architecture, graphic workstation development and reliability engineering, nexcom has rapidly grown from its small beginning into a highly reputable company.
nexcom's vision is to become the industry leader in the digital infrastructure field by providing superior total solutions to meet the increasing demands of agile computing, networking, storage and computer hardware for building an it infrastructure. nexcom not only focuses on new product creation and technology innovation with the brand, but also concentrate on service upgrade, such as odm/oem business development, bto/cto/dto (tailor-made design or customization), global logistics, real-time technical support and after-sales services.
北京市朝阳区广渠门外大街8号优士阁B座1703 电话: 010-58612588 传真: 010-58612665
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