website: www.me***.combr>
meech has a worldwide reputation in the development of electrostatic control equipment, compressed air technology and surface cleaning systems. with a network of distributors spanning the globe meech offer unparalleled technical application knowledge and customer service.
meech industrial solutions address five principle areas – static control, web cleaning, energy saving compressed air equipment, jetstream air knife systems and ionrinse™ ionised air rinsing and air cleaning systems. each product area is supported by a team of trained and experienced technical staff.
meech industrial solutions address five principle areas – static control, web cleaning, energy saving compressed air equipment, jetstream air knife systems and ionrinse™ ionised air rinsing and air cleaning systems. each product area is supported by a team of trained and experienced technical staff.
北京市朝阳区广渠门外大街8号优士阁B座1703 电话: 010-58612588 传真: 010-58612665
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